Title: Kiss
Title: Black Dog
Title: Light My Fire
Title: Shop Around
Artist: Prince
Artist: Led Zeppelin
Artist: The Doors
Artist: Smokey Robinson
Pics: man+woman kiss, 2 dogs kiss, Kisses (chocolate brand), a frog wearing a crown |
Pics: 3 pictures of a black dog, a blimp |
Pics: A lit lightbulb, a cartoon fire, 2 people smoking, 2 closed doors+1 opened door |
Pics: 2 woman with shopping bags, a family shopping, planes around the world, a circle path (landmark) |
Title: Runaway
Title: Sweet Dreams
Title: One More Time
Title: Heart of Gold
Artist: Del Shannon
Artist: Eurythmics
Artist: Daft Punk
Artist: Neil Young
Pics: girl cartoon running, caveman cartoon runs from jaguar, a man hitch hiking, a woman hitch hiking |
Pics: Waffle with syrup, jelly beans, a woman sleeping, a cartoon dog dreams of bone |
Pics: 1 year old birthday candle, first aid sign, a little girl holds and points to a clock on her shoulder, sand timer |
Pics: 3 pictures of a heart, a gold statue of buddha |
Title: Hey Joe
Title: Girl on Fire
Title: Grenade
Title: On the Floor
Artist: Jimi Hendrix
Artist: Alicia Keys
Artist: Bruno Mars
Artist: Jennifer Lopez
Pics: Woman feeds horse, rolls on hay on the field, a cup of black coffee, a sloppy joe burger |
Pics: girl with glasses and pigtails, 3 firemen fights fire, house on fire, a set of keys |
Pics: A grenade, 2 silhoulettes running, 2 men in army outfit, a red planet |
Pics: On/OFF switch, hardwood floor (deck), mother watches baby boy crawls, laying down floor |
Title: Senorita
Title: Float On
Title: 3 AM
Title: The Trees
Artist: Justin Timberlake
Artist: Modest Mouse
Artist: Matchbox Twenty
Artist: Rush
Pics: an old woman, a martini on the beach, 2 pics of a woman dancing |
Pics: a child floats with red arm floaties, an otter swims on its back, an ON/OFF button, an ON/OFF switch |
Pics: hand holds up 3 fingers, writing beside AM, box of matches, football field |
Pics: a single tree, 2 pictures of palm trees, a picture of 9 different trees |