Title: Umbrella
Title: Baby Love
Title: Crying
Title: Ring of Fire
Artist: Rihanna
Artist: The Supremes
Artist: Roy Orbison
Artist: Johnny Cash
Pics: Woman with opened purple umbrella, a closed black umbrella, a cartoon orange umbrella, an opened black and white beach umbrella |
Pics: 2 pictures of a baby, red heart-shaped ball of yarn, 2 parents craddle their baby |
Pics: a woman cries, a baby boy cries, a crying icon, a man wipes the tears of a woman crying |
Pics: onion rings, binder rings, gymist on rings, fire ring |
Title: The Tourist
Title: Secrets
Title: Halo
Title: Eye of the Tiger
Artist: Radiohead
Artist: One Republic
Artist: Beyonce
Artist: Survivor
Pics: 4 people with luggages, a cartoon man in hawaian shirt, couple in front of effle tower, older couple takes self-portrait |
Pics: girl whis[ers in boys ear, girl whispers in boys ear, woman with a finger to hush her lips, confidental letter |
Pics: male angel, dog angel, 2 stack of hay, dying battery |
Pics: eye of a woman, a cartoon tiger, chocolate and mohca coloured rocks, tiger’s eye |
Title: Little Lion Man
Title: Angel
Title: Frozen
Title: Bleeding Love
Artist: Mumford & Sons
Artist: Sarah McLachlan
Artist: Madonna
Artist: Leona Lewis
Pics: a little child looks up at a giant, a cartoon lion, male (bathroom sign), boy with tiger face paint |
Pics: 2 white wings, a child makes a snow angel, cake, a golden cupid statue |
Pics: heart-shaped ice block/cube, freezer aisle in the market, 2 twin popsicles (purple+blue), a red bellini |
Pics: bleeding pinky, bleeding heart, 2 people kis at sunset/sunrise, 2 birds kiss (cartoon) |
Title: Mother
Title: Breakeven
Title: Learn to Fly
Title: Limelight
Artist: Pink Floyd
Artist: The Script
Artist: Foo Fighters
Artist: Rush
Pics: Mother kisses baby, 2 woman, a mother bird watches her chicks hatch (cartoon), mother carries girl on her back |
Pics: snapping a twig, blocks with even numbers only, a robber breaks into a house, using a level |
Pics: woman teaches boy, a black fly, learning to drive (cartoon), an airplane |
Pics: 2 pictures of cut and whole limes, a lit lightbulb, a studio light |