Title: Sunburn
Title: Bicycle Race
Title: The Warrior
Title: Bark at the Moon
Artist: Muse
Artist: Queen
Artist: Scandal
Artist: Ozzy Osbourne
Pics: 3 pictures of a woman getting sunburn, boy is sweating from hot sun |
Pics: person riding a bike, a bike, 2 pictures of a bike race |
Pics: a gladiator, a knight in battle, a samurai, an American solider |
Pics: dog barking sign, bark (of a tree), dog barking at night, a wolf/dog howls at the moon |
Title: Power Trip
Title: Pearl
Title: Car Wash
Title: Blow
Artist: J. Cole feat. Miguel
Artist: Katy Perry
Artist: Rose Royce
Artist: Ke$ha
Pics: extension bar is used, man does heavy weight lifting, a man (icon) trips another, a girl and dog sits in the trunk of a car/van |
Pics: pearl in a clam shell, pearl necklace on display, woman wears pearl necklace, holding a pearl necklace |
Pics: a red car, mother and daughter does dishes, washing hands, car wash |
Pics: woman blows a kiss (hearts), woman blows bubble, woman blows her hair, woman blows powdered snow from the palm of her hands |
Title: Dynamite
Title: November Rain
Title: Downtown
Title: Fly Like an Eagle
Artist: Taio Cruz
Artist: Guns N’ Roses
Artist: Lady Antebellum
Artist: Steve Miller Band
Pics: 2 pictures of a bundle of dynamite, a stick of dynamite, a man ready blow TNT |
Pics: calendar, forest, turkey holding a basketball, raining and an opened umbrella |
Pics: red arrow points down with icon standing beside it, 2 pictures of the city, down arrow (white on purple) |
Pics: an airplane, a white bird, a smiley face gives thumbs up, an eagle |
Title: Hey Man Nice Shot
Title: Country Song
Title: She Wolf
Title: Stumble and Fall
Artist: Filter
Artist: Seether
Artist: Shakira
Artist: Razorlight
Pics: hay, blue man sign in a circle, woman helps man cross street, baby gets a needle |
Pics: flag around the globe, a couple (dressed like cowboy/cowgirl), a man plays the banjo, music sheet |
Pics: blue woman icon inside a circle, woman with a wolf, a wolf and cubs, a wolf |
Pics: TRIP HAZARD sign, a man trips, a man falls down the stairs, SLIP HAZARD sign |