Title: Slither
Title: Baby, Baby
Title: Thank You
Title: Head Over Feet
Artist: Velvet Revolver
Artist: Amy Grant
Artist: Alanis Morisette
Artist: Alanis Morisette
Pics: 4 pictures of a snake |
Pics: 4 pictures of a baby |
Pics: envelop marked groceries, sticky note says MERCI, a woman clasps her hands, a man in a suit points at you |
Pics: man points to his forehead, arrow goes over BARRIER, arrow jumps over hurdles, feet |
Title: Silver and Cold
Title: Like a Child
Title: Blurred Lines
Title: Apologize
Artist: AFI
Artist: Jars of Clay
Artist: Robin Thicke feat. T.I., Pharrell
Artist: OneRepublic
Pics: Silver bars, thermometer is cold, eating utensils, a man with blanket+thermometer in mouth+heating bag |
Pics: thumbs up, LIKE icon from Facebook, a boy and a girl divided by line (silhouette), a girl laying in the grass |
Pics: magnifying the eye exam chart, blurred people crossing the street, double yellow lines on a road, blurred red tail lights of cars |
Pics: woman stops man from talking/approaching her, man says SORRY, man tries to give a woman flowers, man on his knees begs for forgiveness |
Title: Wrap It Up
Title: Hit the Lights
Title: Candy Rain
Title: Fuel
Artist: Whitey
Artist: Metallica
Artist: Soul for Real
Artist: Metallica
Pics: wrapping presents, wrapping an injured ankle, a plant (grown in arrow shape), performance is going up |
Pics: baseball connects with bat, 2 woman boxing, spot light, spot lights around a cage |
Pics: a pile of candy, girl holds umbrella to raining candy, pile of jelly beans, holding an umbrella for a picture |
Pics: Emergency gas pail, propane cylinder, a man shoveling, gas pump |
Title: Waves
Title: Dirty Paws
Title: Heads Will Roll
Title: Kiss With a Fist
Artist: Blondfire
Artist: Of Monsters and Men
Artist: Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Artist: Florence and the Machine
Pics: 2 pictures of waves in the ocean, sound waves (sin, cos, tan graph), waving hand |
Pics: ground coffee (dirty), vacuuming, paw on a hand, cat raises paws |
Pics: team of people hurdle (points heads together), 2 men standing forehead to forehead, drafting a WILL, dinner rolls |
Pics: girl kisses dad, baby with kisses (lipstick) on him, holding a fist, woman punches self in the face |