Title: Daughter
Title: Run This Town
Title: Warrant
Title: Beat of My Drum
Artist: Pearl Jam
Artist: Jay-Z feat. Rihanna, Kanye West
Artist: Foster the People
Artist: Nicola Roberts
Pics: a girl fixes dad’s tie, mom carries daughter on her back, father and daughter on the beach, mother and daugher poses |
Pics: a black silhouette runs fast, a white icon points to white board, houses down a road, houses/apartments around the globe |
Pics: man in front of a monorail, an army ant (red ant), culprit stands beside its own WANTED poster, GUARANTEE stamp (green) |
Pics: heart monitor, 3 pictures of a person playing a drum |
Title: The Card Cheat
Title: Tiger Nights
Title: Doctor My Eyes
Title: Diamond Day
Artist: The Clash
Artist: The Bongos
Artist: Jackson Browne
Artist: Vashti Bunyan
Pics: jack of diamonds, a blank card with a red bow, a man and a woman is cheating in an exam, ace of hearts up a man’s sleeve |
Pics: a tiger cub, a white tiger lay on the rock, a lion growls at the moon, a cat at night |
Pics: 2 pictures of a doctor, an eye ball, set of woman’s eyes (blue) |
Pics: 2 picture of a diamond, 2 pictures of a calendar |
Title: Check My Brain
Title: Mexican Radio
Title: Chain Gang
Title: Dream Weaver
Artist: Alice in Chains
Artist: Wall of Voodoo
Artist: Otis Redding
Artist: Gary Wright
Pics: green check mark in blue circle, man points to his head, woman points to herself, a brain wearing shades |
Pics: male wrestler in mask in front of Italian flag, a catus wears a straw hat, 2 walkie-talkies (radio), an old fashion radio |
Pics: 2 pictures of chains, 3 men wearind shades with a dog, 2 man in hoodies+cap+hiding their faces |
Pics: a boy day dreams of phone and bike, a boy day dreams to become an astronaut, 2 pictures of a weaving machine |
Title: On the Radio
Title: Sour Times
Title: #1 Crush
Title: Space Bound
Artist: Regina Spektor
Artist: Portishead
Artist: Garbage
Artist: Eminem
Pics: ON/OFF button, soliders on a hill (silouhette picture), tower signal, old fashion radio |
Pics: can of yellow candy, a lemon makes a face, departure times, multiplication table of 9’s |
Pics: girl blows kisses (hearts) to boy, man crushes a tiny person between his fingers, a rock (boulder) crushes a white icon, a crushed pop can |
Pics: 2 pictures of space (the galaxy), a man tied with rope, stacks of books |