Title: Born to Run
Title: White Rabbit
Title: Peace of Mind
Title: Magic Man
Artist: Bruce Springsteen
Artist: Jefferson Airplane
Artist: Boston
Artist: Heart
Pics: black and white photo of a baby raises, man running, man+woman running, a single spring coil |
Pics: bunny, bunny+easter eggs, cartoon rabbit, a plane |
Pics: a hippie man holds up peace fingers, black puzzle missing from white silhouette’s brain, light bulbs for a brain, flowers forming a peace symbol |
Pics: magician, cartoon+star wand, blue man icon, human heart in chest cavity |
Title: Dirty Laundry
Title: Penny Lane
Title: Money
Title: Ship of Fools
Artist: Don Henley
Artist: The Beatles
Artist: Pink Floyd
Artist: Robert Plant
Pics: Dirty dishes in the sink, clothes in the laundry basket, messy room, roll of washers on the wall (laundry mat) |
Pics: pennies, blue+white street sign (Vers Ln), bicycle path, orange with black strips bug (beetle) |
Pics: fan of american money, pile of foregin currency, paper money + coins, sacks of money in different currency |
Pics: Cargo ship, a rocket ship, a man wearing a red clown’s nose, a jester (cartoon) |
Title: Blue Collar
Title: Iron Man
Title: I am the Walrus
Title: The Rain Song
Artist: Bachman Turner Overdrive
Artist: Black Sabbath
Artist: The Beatles
Artist: Led Zeppelin
Pics: Blueberries, blue shirt, construction man, blue shirt and tie |
Pics: 2 pics of a person ironing a shirt, cartoon heavy weight lighter, sign for male |
Pics: Blue eye, threading a needle, a walrus, a black beetle |
Pics: woman in red rain gear in the rain, raining day, music symbols on music sheet, a blimp |
Title: Like A Prayer
Title: The End
Title: Little Wing
Title: Rain
Artist: Madonna
Artist: The Doors
Artist: Jimi Hendrix
Artist: The Beatles
Pics: Facebook like icon, boy gives thumbs up, a woman praying, a statue of woman and toddler |
Pics: crises+disaster+catastrophe around the world, meteor goes through earth atmosphere, 4 people runs marathon, 2 closed doors + 1 open |
Pics: Humming bird, butterfly, chicken wings, window on a plane |
Pics: Woman in red rain gear and blue umbrella, rainy day (forecast), cartoon boy in the rain, a red car |