In Egyptian mythology, what god was tricked and put inside a sarcophagus?
In Egyptian mythology, what god was tricked and put inside a sarcophagus?OsirisRaAnubisSetTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
In golf, what do you call a score that is 2 below par on a particular hole?
In golf, what do you call a score that is 2 below par on a particular hole?BirdieEagleAlbatrossBogeyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How long does it take the Earth to go around the Sun?
How long does it take the Earth to go around the Sun?A WeekA YearA MonthA DayTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
In Greek mythology, how was Achilles heel injured?
In Greek mythology, how was Achilles heel injured?A snake bit himBy a swordA rock hit himBy an arrowTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
In Greek mythology, what is the offspring of a god and a human called?
In Greek mythology, what is the offspring of a god and a human called?SemigodDemigodGodlingTranspythesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page