When was Michael Ende’s ‘The Neverending Story’ published?
When was Michael Ende's 'The Neverending Story' published?1988196019991979Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
When was the last time Michael Jordan played in the NBA?
When was the last time Michael Jordan played in the NBA?2003200219981999Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
When was Puerto Rico invaded by the United States?
When was Puerto Rico invaded by the United States?July 25th 1898June 20th 1899July 5th 1897May 25th 1898Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
When was the Declaration of Independence of the United States adopted?
When was the Declaration of Independence of the United States adopted?42006421924218942159Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
When is it autumn in the Southern hemisphere?
When is it autumn in the Southern hemisphere?From June to SeptemberFrom December to MarchFrom September to DecemberFrom March to JuneTrivia Crack Answers Main Page