What’s the name of the main character in ‘A Confederacy of Dunces’?
What's the name of the main character in 'A Confederacy of Dunces'?Holden CaulfieldIgnatius J. ReillyMark RentonHank MoodyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of the main character of the novel “Gone with the Wind”?
What's the name of the main character of the novel "Gone with the Wind"?Vivian LeighScarlett O'haraMelanie SawyerEliza DolittleTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of the main character on the CW show ‘Arrow’?
What's the name of the main character on the CW show 'Arrow'?Bruce WayneOliver QueenHal JordanJohn DiggleTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of the main male character in ‘West Side Story’?
What's the name of the main male character in 'West Side Story'?DavidAngelMarkTonyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of the killer in ‘Friday the 13th’?
What's the name of the killer in 'Friday the 13th'?JasonTedThe motherFreddyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of the largest known star?
What's the name of the largest known star?Alpha CentauriCanis MajorisTau CetiBetelgeuseTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of the last part of the large intestine?
What's the name of the last part of the large intestine?RectumAppendixColonAnusTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of the lead singer of the band Radiohead?
What's the name of the lead singer of the band Radiohead?Colin GreenwoodThom YorkePhil SelwayJonny GreenwoodTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of the guy who runs the comic book store in the TV show ‘The Big Bang Theory’?
What's the name of the guy who runs the comic book store in the TV show 'The Big Bang Theory'?StuartStephenScottStanTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of the letter that the Pope sends to all the catholic bishops in the world?
What's the name of the letter that the Pope sends to all the catholic bishops in the world?Sacred noteNewsletterMagazineEncyclicalTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of the habit we can’t manage without due to psychological or physiological reasons?
What's the name of the habit we can't manage without due to psychological or physiological reasons?AddictionNecessityStressCravingTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of the lion in the movie ‘Madagascar’?
What's the name of the lion in the movie 'Madagascar'?SimbaAlexArthurLiloTrivia Crack Answers Main Page