What’s the name of hardened dental plaque that accumulates in the teeth?
What's the name of hardened dental plaque that accumulates in the teeth?CalculusCavityEnamelDirtTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of a group of cockroaches?
What's the name of a group of cockroaches?IntrusionNightmareFrightDelugeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of Hermione Granger’s cat?
What's the name of Hermione Granger's cat?HedwigCrookshanksFluffyPagfootTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of a literary fictional city created by the writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft?
What's the name of a literary fictional city created by the writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft?LitterniaConthaMassachusettsArkhamTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of Jesse and Walter’s lawyer on “Breaking Bad”?
What's the name of Jesse and Walter's lawyer on "Breaking Bad"?Sole WoodmanMike ErmainthrautSaul GoodmanSaul WoodmanTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of an epidemic disease that affects several regions of the world?
What's the name of an epidemic disease that affects several regions of the world?Pandemic diseasePlagueTendemic diseaseEndemic diseaseTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of Android’s app store?
What's the name of Android's app store?Google MarketAndroid StoreAndroid MarketGoogle PlayTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of Kurt Cobain’s widow?
What's the name of Kurt Cobain's widow?Janis JoplinCourtney LoveShirley MansonAmy LeeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of Apple’s lightest laptop?
What's the name of Apple's lightest laptop?MacBook AirMacBook LightMacBook LiteMacBook SlimTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of Beyonce and Jay-Z’s daughter?
What's the name of Beyonce and Jay-Z's daughter?Blue IvyRed IvyNavy BlueBlue LilyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page