What was the name of the white dragon in ‘The Neverending Story’?
What was the name of the white dragon in 'The Neverending Story'?BastianAtreyuFujurGmorkcTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name Romans gave to Great Britain?
What was the name Romans gave to Great Britain?CaledoniaBritaniusBritanniaNorthumbriaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the nickname of Dr Leonard McCoy in the original series of ‘Star Trek’?
What was the nickname of Dr Leonard McCoy in the original series of 'Star Trek'?JawsBonesGumsHeadTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the only sea battle in the First World War?
What was the only sea battle in the First World War?Battle of JutlandBattle of the DeltaBattle of TrafalgarPearl HarbourTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the reason for the recovery of the USA after the 29?s Crash?
What was the reason for the recovery of the USA after the 29?s Crash?Second World WarFirst World WarNone is correctFrench RevolutionTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the reason for the recovery of the USA after the 29’s Crash?
What was the reason for the recovery of the USA after the 29's Crash?Second World WarFirst World WarNone is correctFrench RevolutionTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the subtitle of the second ‘Naked Gun’ film?
What was the subtitle of the second 'Naked Gun' film?The Hum of FrightThe Scent of DreadThe Smell of FearThe Reek of TerrorTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the UK’s top paying attraction of 2002?
What was the UK's top paying attraction of 2002?London NoseLondon EyeLondon EarLondon MouthTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name of the Pope who initiated the first crusade?
What was the name of the Pope who initiated the first crusade?Urban IJohn XVIUrban IILouis XIITrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name of the rabid dog that killed people in Stephen King’s novel?
What was the name of the rabid dog that killed people in Stephen King's novel?CujoLassieFangBeethovenTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was Victoria Beckham’s nickname when she was a Spice Girl?
What was Victoria Beckham's nickname when she was a Spice Girl?Sporty SpicePosh SpiceGinger SpiceBaby SpiceTrivia Crack Answers Main Page