What was the name of the captain of the ship that confronted Moby Dick?
What was the name of the captain of the ship that confronted Moby Dick?QueequegAchabElijahIsmaelTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name of the ceremony where a Samurai would kill himself for having failed his master?
What was the name of the ceremony where a Samurai would kill himself for having failed his master?SeppukuHaikidoShogunNinjustuTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name of the character who managed Central Perk on the television show Friends?
What was the name of the character who managed Central Perk on the television show Friends?SamuelMarkUgly Naked GuyGuntherTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name of the character Winona Ryder played in the 1990 movie ‘Edward Scissorhands’?
What was the name of the character Winona Ryder played in the 1990 movie 'Edward Scissorhands'?PegJenKimHelenTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name of the collective group of famous musicians who recorded the hit single ‘We are the World’?
What was the name of the collective group of famous musicians who recorded the hit single 'We are the World'?USA for AfricaWorld for AfricaAfrica for WorldUSA for WorldTrivia Crack Answers ...
What was the name of the computer chaos arrived with year 2000?
What was the name of the computer chaos arrived with year 2000?Y2K bugMillennium bugAll are correctYear 2000 problemTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name of the Count of Monte Cristo?
What was the name of the Count of Monte Cristo?Edouard de VillefortAlbert de MorcefFelipe MontecristoEdmond DantesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name of the dictator who ruled Spain through most of the 20th century?
What was the name of the dictator who ruled Spain through most of the 20th century?MussoliniFrancoHitlerSalazarTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name of the doctor who experimented with prisoners from the Auschwitz concentration cap during Nazism?
What was the name of the doctor who experimented with prisoners from the Auschwitz concentration cap during Nazism?Wilhelm BeiglbockJosef MengeleNone of theseKarl GebhardtTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name of the dog from the Soviet Union that became the first animal in space?
What was the name of the dog from the Soviet Union that became the first animal in space?LassieLaikaMuschkaDariaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name of the elite soldiers that belonged to the guard of the sultan of Istanbul?
What was the name of the elite soldiers that belonged to the guard of the sultan of Istanbul?TeutonsJanissaryPretoriansCataphractsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page