What was the first African state to become independent?
What was the first African state to become independent?South AfricaMoroccoGhanaCongoTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the first capital of New Zealand?
What was the first capital of New Zealand?GisbourneWellingtonChristchurchAucklandTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the first country Germany invaded in the Second World War?
What was the first country Germany invaded in the Second World War?The NetherlandsDenmarkPolandBelgiumTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the first game commercially developped by Atari?
What was the first game commercially developped by Atari?PongAsteroidsAdventureYar's RevengeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the first Greek civilization?
What was the first Greek civilization?Helenistic GreeceClassical GreeceMycenaean GreeceMinoanTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the first horror movie?
What was the first horror movie?Bride of FrankensteinNosferatuNight of the Living DeadThe Devil's CastleTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the aim of the Marshall Plan in 1947?
What was the aim of the Marshall Plan in 1947?RebuildingGiftTradeConquerTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the first Latin American country to choose a female president?
What was the first Latin American country to choose a female president?BrazilChilePeruArgentinaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was Michael Jordan’s profession?
What was Michael Jordan's profession?Mma fighterFootball playerBasketball playerSoccer playerTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was Muhammed Ali’s real name?
What was Muhammed Ali's real name?Anderson SilvaCassius ClayRocky BalboaRocky MarcianoTrivia Crack Answers Main Page