What seems to guard the pyramids of Giza?
What seems to guard the pyramids of Giza?The lionThe mummyA soldierThe SphynxTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What series does Blake Lively appear in?
What series does Blake Lively appear in?The Vampire DiaresGleeGossip Girl90210Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
What religion is the American writer Jonathan Safran-Foer?
What religion is the American writer Jonathan Safran-Foer?IslamProtestantismJudaismOrthodoxTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What service for file storaging was closed in 2012 by the FBI?
What service for file storaging was closed in 2012 by the FBI?MegauploadMegatubeHackeuploadYoutubeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What religious war was ordered by Pope Urban 2 to capture the Holy Land for Christianity?
What religious war was ordered by Pope Urban 2 to capture the Holy Land for Christianity?The RevolutionThe ComradesThe CrusadesThe MissionsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What Shakespeare play is the quote: “I’ll met by moonlight proud Titania!”?
What Shakespeare play is the quote: "I'll met by moonlight proud Titania!"?A Midsummer Night's DreamTwelfth NightHamletRichard IIITrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What shape does a rugby ball have?
What shape does a rugby ball have?TriangularNone of the one aboveOvalRoundTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What river flows through Canada and into the Great Lakes?
What river flows through Canada and into the Great Lakes?QuebecSt. LawrenceWhiteMississipppiTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What river is mentioned in the song ‘Dust in the Wind’?
What river is mentioned in the song 'Dust in the Wind'?MoskvaMuskegonRhineMoscowTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What river is one of the few in the world that runs south to north?
What river is one of the few in the world that runs south to north?Nile RiverOhio RiverRhine RiverRio GrandeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page