What organ is the most damaged for excessive alcohol ingestion?
What organ is the most damaged for excessive alcohol ingestion?HeartBrainLiverStomachTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What organ of the urinary system produces the urine?
What organ of the urinary system produces the urine?KidneyUrethraNone of the aboveBladderTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What organ processes the sodium in the body?
What organ processes the sodium in the body?BladderStomachLarge intestineKidneyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What organization was founded by the Polish Lech Walesa?
What organization was founded by the Polish Lech Walesa?The First InternationalThe union SolidarityThe Unified Socialist Polish PartyThe Russian sovietsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What other important historical event was coetaneous to the Russian Revolution?
What other important historical event was coetaneous to the Russian Revolution?Hundred Years' WarFirst World WarNoneSecond World WarTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What other name had the desertic planet called Dune?
What other name had the desertic planet called Dune?TerraAtreidesGaiaArrakisTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What pair of animals appear on the flag for the U.S. state of Pennsylvania?
What pair of animals appear on the flag for the U.S. state of Pennsylvania?DeerSalmonHorsesGroundhogsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What Parisian landmark was briefly known as the Temple of Reason during the French Revolution?
What Parisian landmark was briefly known as the Temple of Reason during the French Revolution?The LouvreNotre Dame CathedralThe PantheonSourbonneTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What part of the brain controls involuntary actions?
What part of the brain controls involuntary actions?HypothalamusBrain StemFrontal LobeCerebellumTrivia Crack Answers Main Page