What part of the brain controls involuntary actions?
What part of the brain controls involuntary actions?HypothalamusBrain StemFrontal LobeCerebellumTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What ocean is to the East of the United States?
What ocean is to the East of the United States?Indian OceanAtlantic OceanSouthern OceanPacific OceanTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What part of the brain controls involuntary functions such as breathing?
What part of the brain controls involuntary functions such as breathing?HypothalamusMedulla oblongataParietal lobePrefrontal cortexTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What oceans are connected with the Panama channel?
What oceans are connected with the Panama channel?Pacific And IndianCaribbean And ArticAtlantic And MediterraneanPacific And AtlanticTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What part of the brain controls the speech?
What part of the brain controls the speech?Frontal lobeParietal lobeCerebellumOccipital lobeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What olympic athlete died at 38 of a cavernous hemangioma when she was sleeping?
What olympic athlete died at 38 of a cavernous hemangioma when she was sleeping?Jacqueline Joyner-KerseeFlorence Griffith-JoynerZola BuddMary DeckerTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What Olympic city included a 200m swimming obstacle race in the Seine river?
What Olympic city included a 200m swimming obstacle race in the Seine river?ParisBerlinLondonRomeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What Olympic Games introduced taekwondo as an official event?
What Olympic Games introduced taekwondo as an official event?Athens 2004Seoul 1988Atlanta 1996Sydney 2000Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
What North American literary critic published ‘The Western Canon’ focusing on 26 writers he considered essential?
What North American literary critic published 'The Western Canon' focusing on 26 writers he considered essential?James JoyceHarold BloomNone of theseSamuel BeckettTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What novel by James Joyce has been most studied and influential?
What novel by James Joyce has been most studied and influential?UlysesFinnegan's WakeA Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManDublinersTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What novel by Jeffrey Eugenides was adapted into a film by Sofia Coppola?
What novel by Jeffrey Eugenides was adapted into a film by Sofia Coppola?The Marriage PlotMiddlesexNone of theseThe Suicide VirginsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What novel ends with the phrase: “He loved Big Brother.”?
What novel ends with the phrase: "He loved Big Brother."?Animal FarmMartian Chronicles19841968Trivia Crack Answers Main Page