What kind of shoes does Uma Thurman use in Kill Bill?
What kind of shoes does Uma Thurman use in Kill Bill?AdidasNew BalanceOnitsuka TigerNikeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What kind of bird is a vulture?
What kind of bird is a vulture?Nocturnal birdSinging birdPredatory birdScavenger birdTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What kind of Tectonic plates boundaries move away from each other?
What kind of Tectonic plates boundaries move away from each other?Transform BoundariesConvergent BoundariesToto BoundariesDivergent BoundariesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What kind of car does Marty Mcfly use to travel in time on Back to the Future?
What kind of car does Marty Mcfly use to travel in time on Back to the Future?He does not use a carFerrariDeLoreanAn RVTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What kind of vertebrae are atlas and axis?
What kind of vertebrae are atlas and axis?ThoracicLumbarDorsalCervicalTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What kind of cellular division creates gametes?
What kind of cellular division creates gametes?DiffusionBinary fissionMeiosisMitosisTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What kind of wave is sound?
What kind of wave is sound?OscillantTransverseElectromagneticLongitudinalTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What kind of charge has an electron?
What kind of charge has an electron?No ChargeSubatomicNegativePositiveTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What kind of competition is the Italian Giro?
What kind of competition is the Italian Giro?A marathonA cycling raceA car raceSailingTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What kind of eclipse is it if the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon?
What kind of eclipse is it if the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon?LunarAstralSolarCrescentTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What kind of festival is the French festival Visa pour l’Image?
What kind of festival is the French festival Visa pour l'Image?IllustrationPhotojournalismVideoartArtistic PhotographyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page