What is the name of the triangle formed by three islands believed to be cursed?
What is the name of the triangle formed by three islands believed to be cursed?Red triangleBermuda triangleDevil's triangleNeolitic triangleTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the official currency of Bolivia?
What is the official currency of Bolivia?BolivianPesoNone of theseGuaraniTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the name of the vocalist of the rock band Black Sabbath?
What is the name of the vocalist of the rock band Black Sabbath?Corey TaylorOzzy OsbourneRonnie J. DioJames HetfieldTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the name of the world’s biggest ocean?
What is the name of the world's biggest ocean?Pacific oceanIndic oceanAtlantic oceanAntartic oceanTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the name of Timmy Turner’s blonde friend from ” The Fairy OddParents “?
What is the name of Timmy Turner's blonde friend from " The Fairy OddParents "?Denzel CrockerA.J MechawaggerFrancisChester McBadbatTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the national sport of Pakistan?
What is the national sport of Pakistan?SquashCricketCross CountryTennisTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the nickname given to River Plate’s famous stadium?
What is the nickname given to River Plate's famous stadium?El MonumentalLa CajaEl BernabeuLa BomboneraTrivia Crack Answers Main Page