What disease is transmited by the bug called vinchuca?
What disease is transmited by the bug called vinchuca?Chagas DiseaseDengue feverNoneMalariaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What Disney film tells the story of a dog who believes he has magic powers?
What Disney film tells the story of a dog who believes he has magic powers?ShrekBoltTod and TobyThe Brave Little ToasterTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What Disney movie has a character named Pascal?
What Disney movie has a character named Pascal?TangledBraveCinderellaSnow WhiteTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What Disney movie is the song “Part of your World” from?
What Disney movie is the song "Part of your World" from?Beauty and the BeastThe Little MermaidPinocchioAladdinTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What distance is the penalty point from the goal?
What distance is the penalty point from the goal?11 meters6 meters30 meters20 metersTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What district does Katniss belong to in the Hunger Games?
What district does Katniss belong to in the Hunger Games?District 12District 4District 7District 13Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
What did the Prohibition forbid?
What did the Prohibition forbid?Mineral waterAlcoholic beveragesExportationGunsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What destroyed the Colossus of Rhodes?
What destroyed the Colossus of Rhodes?An earthquakeA warGodzillaA hurricaneTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What device is used to measure the number of beats per minute in music?
What device is used to measure the number of beats per minute in music?DrumSpeedometerAnemometerMetronomeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What dictator was killed after the revolution of his country in 1989?
What dictator was killed after the revolution of his country in 1989?Josip Broz 'Tito'Slobodan MilosevicNicolae CeausescuFrancisco FrancoTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What did a knight or gentleman throw to another to challenge to a duel?
What did a knight or gentleman throw to another to challenge to a duel?LookHatMoneyGloveTrivia Crack Answers Main Page