What did Newton discover?
What did Newton discover?TelescopeCometThe gravity lawAnatomy of human bodyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What day did the Germans surrender in World War 2?
What day did the Germans surrender in World War 2?September 7th 1945May 7th 1945March 7th 1944September 7th 1944Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
What did the character Monica Geller from the TV series ‘Friends’ do?
What did the character Monica Geller from the TV series 'Friends' do?ChefCopywriterActressMasseusseTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What decade saw the birth of pop art in the United States and the United Kingdom?
What decade saw the birth of pop art in the United States and the United Kingdom?1970193019901950Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
What did the crocodile from Peter Pan swallow?
What did the crocodile from Peter Pan swallow?An alarm clockCaptain Hook's hookA fishOne of the Lost BoysTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What did the Lumiere brothers invent?
What did the Lumiere brothers invent?TelescopeDynamiteMotorcarCinematographerTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What destroyed the Colossus of Rhodes?
What destroyed the Colossus of Rhodes?An earthquakeA warGodzillaA hurricaneTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What device is used to measure the number of beats per minute in music?
What device is used to measure the number of beats per minute in music?DrumSpeedometerAnemometerMetronomeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What dictator was killed after the revolution of his country in 1989?
What dictator was killed after the revolution of his country in 1989?Josip Broz 'Tito'Slobodan MilosevicNicolae CeausescuFrancisco FrancoTrivia Crack Answers Main Page