What animal is Bambi’s friend Flower?
What animal is Bambi's friend Flower?A beaverA skunkA raccoonA squirrellTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What animal is better able to survive 32-storey falls than 8-storey ones?
What animal is better able to survive 32-storey falls than 8-storey ones?CatsDogsRaccoonsSkunksTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What animal is Geronimo Stilton in his books?
What animal is Geronimo Stilton in his books?A MouseA LionNone Of TheseA CatTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What animal is related to Edgar Allan Poe’s best known poem?
What animal is related to Edgar Allan Poe's best known poem?DogBlack catRavenCrowTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What animal is Sonic from the famous Sega game?
What animal is Sonic from the famous Sega game?A catA hedgehogA mouseA squirrelTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What animal was always in a hurry in ‘Alice in Wonderland’?
What animal was always in a hurry in 'Alice in Wonderland'?CatTurtleDogRabbitTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What animal was used to prove the idea of Classical Conditioning?
What animal was used to prove the idea of Classical Conditioning?CrowDogRavenCatTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What animals built a reservoir larger than 300 meters in the Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado?
What animals built a reservoir larger than 300 meters in the Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado?WolvesBearsRaccoonsBeaversTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What animated movie recreated the famous play “Hamlet”?
What animated movie recreated the famous play "Hamlet"?TangledFrozenThe Little MermaidThe Lion KingTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What ‘Apolo’ first arrived to the Moon?
What 'Apolo' first arrived to the Moon?Apolo 13Apolo 11Apolo 14Apolo 12Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
What architect designed the opera of Sydney?
What architect designed the opera of Sydney?Frank Lloyd WrightSantiago CalatravaJorn UtzonFrank GehryTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What are “Hanzi”, “Kanji” and “Hanja”?
What are "Hanzi", "Kanji" and "Hanja"?Folk tale spiritsTraditional folk outfitsMusical instrumentsLogographic charactersTrivia Crack Answers Main Page