The name of which plant sounds like a greeting to ‘Coronation Street’s’ Mrs Duckworth?
The name of which plant sounds like a greeting to 'Coronation Street's' Mrs Duckworth?Wotcha diHi mabelAloe veraG'day juneTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The Natural Park of Serengeti is in what African country?
The Natural Park of Serengeti is in what African country?TanzaniaSouth AfricaBotswanaKenyaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The Ninja Turtles are named after famous what?
The Ninja Turtles are named after famous what?ArtistsMusiciansExplorersPhilosophersTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus has helped more then 6 million people since 1983. How?
The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus has helped more then 6 million people since 1983. How?DonationsFoodMicrocreditsWeaponsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born in Colombia and died in what city in 2014?
The Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born in Colombia and died in what city in 2014?Buenos AiresMexico CityHavanaHoustonTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The ‘Maple Leaf’ flag is the national flag of what country?
The 'Maple Leaf' flag is the national flag of what country?CanadaIcelandNorwayIranTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The Holy Bible is the most edited and translated book. Which is the second one?
The Holy Bible is the most edited and translated book. Which is the second one?Lord of the RingsThe HobbitThe Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of la ManchaHarry Potter and the Deathly ...
The humeros is connected to what bone in its upper part?
The humeros is connected to what bone in its upper part?UlnaSternumShoulder bladePatellaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The Iguazu Falls can be visited in what two countries?
The Iguazu Falls can be visited in what two countries?Argentina and BrazilArgentina and ParaguayNone of theseArgentina and ChileTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The introduction of ‘The Communist Manifesto’ from 1848 says that ‘a spectre is haunting Europe’. What spectre is it?
The introduction of 'The Communist Manifesto' from 1848 says that 'a spectre is haunting Europe'. What spectre is it?SlaveryCommunismBeetlejuiceWarTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The inuktikut (eskimo) is an official language in which of the following Canadian territories?
The inuktikut (eskimo) is an official language in which of the following Canadian territories?ManitobaAlbertaNunavutBritish ColumbiaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page