How do we call the Greek columns shaped as a woman?
How do we call the Greek columns shaped as a woman?CaryatidJonicMadonnicDoricTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How do we call the last part of the small intestine?
How do we call the last part of the small intestine?IleumRectumAppendixColonTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How do we call the numbers without fractional or decimal components plus zero?
How do we call the numbers without fractional or decimal components plus zero?NaturalsIntegersPrimeFractionsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How did Pele score his goal number 1.000?
How did Pele score his goal number 1.000?PenaltyHead kickScissor kickCornerTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How do we call the person who doesn’t have melanine in the skin’s melanocytes?
How do we call the person who doesn't have melanine in the skin's melanocytes?AmelanymicAlbinoHypomelanymicDepigmentatedTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How did the first railways work?
How did the first railways work?With oilWith gasWith electricityWith coalTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How do we call the presence of heating or cooling at an electrified junction of two different conductors?
How do we call the presence of heating or cooling at an electrified junction of two different conductors?Peltier effectDomino effectPeltre effectSpecial effectTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How did the Greek philospher Socrates die?
How did the Greek philospher Socrates die?DrownedNatural DeathDrinking PoisonStabbed By One Of His StudentsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How do we call the repetition of sounds in the verses of a strophe?
How do we call the repetition of sounds in the verses of a strophe?PoetryDollsRhymeSynalephaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How did the prince wake the Sleeping Beauty up?
How did the prince wake the Sleeping Beauty up?Kissing herClapping handsYelling at herCaressing herTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How do we know the artist whose real name was Michelangelo Merisi?
How do we know the artist whose real name was Michelangelo Merisi?Da VinciMichelangeloMasaccioCaravaggioTrivia Crack Answers Main Page