How many times does Sheldon Cooper knock on somebody’s door?
How many times does Sheldon Cooper knock on somebody's door? 3 times Twice Once He doesn't. Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
How many years did Sirius Black spend in Azkaban?
How many years did Sirius Black spend in Azkaban? Thirteen Ten Twelve Nine Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
How was the ‘Mona Lisa’ damaged while being exposed?
How was the "Mona Lisa" damaged while being exposed? Someone threw a rock at it Someone shot it It fell and had to be repaired Leonardo thought it was bad ...
How was the shark killed in Jaws 2?
How was the shark killed in Jaws 2? Stabbed with Boat Scuba Tank Grenade Electrocution Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
In basketball; what is the term used for fake foul?
In basketball; what is the term used for fake foul? Flap Fault Faker Flop Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
In biathlon, what event comes after cross-country skiing?
In biathlon, what event comes after cross-country skiing? Frisbee Javelin throw Rifle shooting Long jump Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
In cartography, what type of map displays elevation?
In cartography, what type of map displays elevation? Topographic Mercator Longitude Cartesian Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
In ‘Despicable Me’, what does Agnes say about the unicorn?
In 'Despicable Me', what does Agnes say about the unicorn? I hate the unicorn! Unicorn so cute! It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! It's pink and pretty! Trivia Crack Answers ...
In Disney’s animation Aladdin, what was Genies’ only wish?
In Disney's animation Aladdin, what was Genies' only wish? Have a friend To be free To undo a mistake in the past To find true love Trivia Crack Answers Main ...
In music, this term means ‘to get louder over time.’?
In music, this term means "to get louder over time."? Forte Decrescendo Piano Crescendo Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
How is hemophillia transmitted?
How is hemophillia transmitted? Through the aire Through blood Through saliva It's hereditary Trivia Crack Answers Main Page