Chinlone is a traditional sport of what country?
Chinlone is a traditional sport of what country?PanamaMyanmarKurdistanEgyptTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
In baseball, what is it called if you hit a home run with all three bases occupied?
In baseball, what is it called if you hit a home run with all three bases occupied?Grand SmashGrand SlamSmash HitSmash OutTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
From which classic novel is this quote “we learn from failure not from success”?
From which classic novel is this quote "we learn from failure not from success"?DraculaMoby DickThe AlchemistFrankensteinTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
In basketball, if a player walks with the ball, what is it called?
In basketball, if a player walks with the ball, what is it called?TravelingDouble-DribbleCarryFoulTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
Gynecology literally means science of women. What’s the science of men?
Gynecology literally means science of women. What's the science of men?AndrologyProstatePsychologyTherapyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How do dogs cool down?
How do dogs cool down?Using their tailWith their pawsSweatingWith their tonguesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How do otters open oysters?
How do otters open oysters?With a stickWith their teethWith a stoneWith their nailsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How do we name the animals that don’t have bones?
How do we name the animals that don't have bones?BonyVertebratesAbvertebratesInvertebratesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
Anna Kournikova won the doubles competition of the Australian Open of 1999. What Swiss player was her partner?
Anna Kournikova won the doubles competition of the Australian Open of 1999. What Swiss player was her partner?Martina HingisMonica SelesSteffi GrafVenus WilliamsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
All the Dutch streets whose names end in ‘gracht’ have something in common. What is it?
All the Dutch streets whose names end in 'gracht' have something in common. What is it?The bike laneA churchA canalAn official buildingTrivia Crack Answers Main Page