How did Madame Curie die?
How did Madame Curie die?CancerAccidental drowningCommitted suicideRadiation poisoningTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
From 1982-1994 the Raiders called what city home?
From 1982-1994 the Raiders called what city home?OaklandLos AngelesAnaheimSacramentoTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
In the cartoon “The Smurfs”, who is always trying to capture the Smurfs?
In the cartoon "The Smurfs", who is always trying to capture the Smurfs?GollumCount GregorianGargamelPlanktonTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
In tennis what is the name of a serve the opponent cannot hit back?
In tennis what is the name of a serve the opponent cannot hit back?A Strong ShotAn AceAn UnreturnableA ServeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
In sumo wrestling, what is the dohyo?
In sumo wrestling, what is the dohyo?RefereeRingChampionCode of practiceTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
In mythology, Tisiphone, Alecto and Megaera were known as the “Three ?
In mythology, Tisiphone, Alecto and Megaera were known as the "Three
?AngriesFuriesHoppiesHuffiesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
In medicine, what does ‘choluria’ mean?
In medicine, what does 'choluria' mean?Color in the fecesColon diseaseBilis in the urineBlack and white visionTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
In hockey, what is the term for crossing the opponents blue line before the puck does?
In hockey, what is the term for crossing the opponents blue line before the puck does?IcingOffsidePenaltyGoalTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
In Greek mythology which monster is half goat, lion and snake?
In Greek mythology which monster is half goat, lion and snake?CentaursMinotaursChimeraThoriumTrivia Crack Answers Main Page