What sport is controlled internationally by the IJF?
What sport is controlled internationally by the IJF?OrigamiJavelinSoccerJudoTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What sport do the Miami Dolphins practice?
What sport do the Miami Dolphins practice?BasketballCyclingAmerican footballBaseballTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What singer is considered the “Queen of Soul”?
What singer is considered the "Queen of Soul"?Billie HollidayAretha FranklinBeyonceEtta JamesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What singer and music composer dressed in black for the poor and the oppressed?
What singer and music composer dressed in black for the poor and the oppressed?Johnny CashLeonard CohenMick JaggerNick CaveTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What sickness takes its name for its similarity with the roots of some plants?
What sickness takes its name for its similarity with the roots of some plants?MesotheliomaSarcoidosisScabiesTuberculosisTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What separates the Gaza Strip and the West Bank?
What separates the Gaza Strip and the West Bank?A wallNothingIsraelA riverTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What racing driver died in 2011?
What racing driver died in 2011?Héctor BarberáMarco SimoncelliPablo MotosValentino RossiTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name of the continent before it split up into the 7 continents?
What was the name of the continent before it split up into the 7 continents?None of the AboveAsiaZeusiPangeaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What type of government does Spain currently have?
What type of government does Spain currently have?Democratic DictatorshipParliamentary MonarchyAbsolute MonarchyRepublicTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the name of the Aztec god of war?
What was the name of the Aztec god of war?GodTlalocHuitzilopochtliChaacTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What type of art is typically associated with “tagging”?
What type of art is typically associated with "tagging"?SculptureGraffitiCollageOil PaintingTrivia Crack Answers Main Page