What’s a flatulence?
Question:What's a flatulence?Answer:A fartChoices:An excrementA fartHickupsVomitTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the name of the special tongs used in obstetrics to hold the baby’s head and help the mother deliver it?
Question:What's the name of the special tongs used in obstetrics to hold the baby's head and help the mother deliver it?Answer:ForcepsChoices:VentoseGoniometerForcepsSpeculumTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the chemical symbol of salt?
Question:What's the chemical symbol of salt?Answer:NaClChoices:H2OCO2NaCl2NaClTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the family name of the great tennis players Venus and Serena?
Question:What's the family name of the great tennis players Venus and Serena?Answer:WilliamsChoices:ThomasWilliamsJohnsonJeffersonTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the main theme in Boticelli’s paintings?
Question:What's the main theme in Boticelli's paintings?Answer:ReligionChoices:DeathSexReligionPowerTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What’s the most visited tourist attraction in the world?
Question:What's the most visited tourist attraction in the world?Answer:The Eiffel Tower (Paris)Choices:Time Square (New York)Disney World (Orlando)Trafalgar Square (London)The Eiffel Tower (Paris)Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the supercontinent known as?
Question:What was the supercontinent known as?Answer:PangeaChoices:TechneaPangeaPlanceaFastaceaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What weapon is the symbol of the Greek god, Poseidon?
Question:What weapon is the symbol of the Greek god, Poseidon?Answer:The TridentChoices:The spearThe TridentThe HammerThe SwordTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What were the two sides in the American Civil War?
Question:What were the two sides in the American Civil War?Answer:The Confederates and the UnionChoices:The Federalists and the AntifederalistsThe Confederates and the UnionThe Union and the AntiunionThe East and the WestTrivia ...
What word can be used to describe the form of government that ruled over Germany during Hitler’s reign?
Question:What word can be used to describe the form of government that ruled over Germany during Hitler's reign?Answer:DictatorshipChoices:DictatorshipConstitutional MonarchyDemocracyMonarchyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What was the Inca Empire capital city?
Question:What was the Inca Empire capital city?Answer:CuzcoChoices:QuitoLimaPunoCuzcoTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What year did Lebron James win his first NBA championship?
Question:What year did Lebron James win his first NBA championship?Answer:2012Choices:2007201220132011Trivia Crack Answers Main Page