What kind of competition is the Italian Giro?
What kind of competition is the Italian Giro?A marathonA cycling raceA car raceSailingTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is Yoko Ono’s field of expertise?
What is Yoko Ono's field of expertise?FashionConceptual artAnnoying peopleDancingTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What Italian city was built over several islands so its inhabitants would be save from Attila?
What Italian city was built over several islands so its inhabitants would be save from Attila?VeniceMilanFlorenceNaplesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What Italian conductor was the principal conductor of the Berlin Philarmonic Orchestra from 1989 to 2002?
What Italian conductor was the principal conductor of the Berlin Philarmonic Orchestra from 1989 to 2002?Placido DomingoClaudio AbbadoSilvio BerlusconiJose CarrerasTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What Italian political party has the same name as an opera composer?
What Italian political party has the same name as an opera composer?PucciniBelliniVerdiMonteverdiTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What Italian scientist condemned by the Inquisition was reinstated by pope John Paul II in 1992?
What Italian scientist condemned by the Inquisition was reinstated by pope John Paul II in 1992?Mario BenedettiCristopher ColumbusSilvio BerlusconiGalileo GalileiTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What killed the protagonist, Violetta, in the opera “La Traviata”?
What killed the protagonist, Violetta, in the opera "La Traviata"?StarvationTuberculosisPoisonSuicideTrivia Crack Answers Main Page