What is the name of Florida’s baseball team?
What is the name of Florida's baseball team?CaimansMarlinsDolphinsSharksTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the mountain range that divides Spain and France called?
What is the mountain range that divides Spain and France called?The AndesThe PyreneesThe CarpahiansThe HimalayasTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the movie based on the songs of the musical group ABBA?
What is the movie based on the songs of the musical group ABBA?Mamma MiaGreaseHairsprayDirty DancingTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the name for the type of art portrait that deliberately exaggerates a person?
What is the name for the type of art portrait that deliberately exaggerates a person?SculptureStill lifeCaricatureCartoonyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the most famous fashion avenue in New York City?
What is the most famous fashion avenue in New York City?15th. avenueFashion AvenueTimes Square5th. avenueTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the name given to a flowing current of water that usually comes from a mountain?
What is the name given to a flowing current of water that usually comes from a mountain?PondRiverOceanLakeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the most famous frase of the movie “300”?
What is the most famous frase of the movie "300"?"This is Atenas!""This is Sparta!"All of them"This is Greece!"Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the name given to a word or phrase that reads the same backward and forward?
What is the name given to a word or phrase that reads the same backward and forward?CypherMirrorgramParadoxPalindromeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the most poisonous creature on earth?
What is the most poisonous creature on earth?King CobraPoison Dart FrogPuffer FishBox JellyfishTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the name given to diffusion of water across a membrane?
What is the name given to diffusion of water across a membrane?Active transportOsmosisPassive transportDiffusionTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the most popular sport in the United Arab Emirates?
What is the most popular sport in the United Arab Emirates?SwimmingCar RacingHorse RidingCamel RidingTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the name given to the Argentine Rugby team?
What is the name given to the Argentine Rugby team?Los GuerrerosAll BlacksLos MachosLos PumasTrivia Crack Answers Main Page