What is the distance of a half marathon?
What is the distance of a half marathon?5 Kilometers12.2 Miles13.1 Miles10 KilometersTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the DNA’s genetic information made of?
What is the DNA's genetic information made of?ProteinePeptidesNucleotidesFatTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the eighth element of the periodic table?
What is the eighth element of the periodic table?HydrogenOxygenNitrogenCarbonTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the element Wolverine has in his skeleton ?
What is the element Wolverine has in his skeleton ?CopperAdamantiumIronGoldTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the English word for the French word ‘merci’?
What is the English word for the French word 'merci'?Wow!Please.Thank You.You're Welcome.Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the estimated age of the Earth?
What is the estimated age of the Earth?3.8 million years4.5 billion years900 years4000 yearsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the executive capital of South Africa?
What is the executive capital of South Africa?BloemfonteinPretoriaAll of these are capitalsCape CityTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the famous band Alex Turner is part of?
What is the famous band Alex Turner is part of?U2The Last Shadow PuppetsImagine DragonsArctic MonkeysTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the famous quote said by the Joker in “Batman- The Dark Knight”?
What is the famous quote said by the Joker in "Batman- The Dark Knight"?"Hasta la vista, baby""Let the games begin""Why so serious?""I'm the king of the world"Trivia Crack Answers Main ...
What is the deathly sin Brad Pitt kills Kevin Spacey for in ‘Seven’?
What is the deathly sin Brad Pitt kills Kevin Spacey for in 'Seven'?GluttonyLustGreedWrathTrivia Crack Answers Main Page