What is the fancy name for sleepwalking?
What is the fancy name for sleepwalking?SomnambulismApneaNarcolepsyEnuresisTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the deepest lake in the world?
What is the deepest lake in the world?Great Bear LakeGreat Slave LakeLake TiticacaLake BaikalTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the father’s name in “the Simpsons”?
What is the father's name in "the Simpsons"?BartHomerRobert The Banana SimpsonJadeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the fear of computers known as?
What is the fear of computers known as?CyberphobiaElectrophobiaWikiophobiaTechnophobiaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the city in the UK known for its steel production?
What is the city in the UK known for its steel production?BirminghamLiverpoolLondonMiddlesexTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the collective term for actors appearing in a film or play?
What is the collective term for actors appearing in a film or play?CastGroupCliqueBandTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the color of Saudi Arabia’s flag?
What is the color of Saudi Arabia's flag?Green and BlackBlack and WhiteAll WrongGreen and WhiteTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the common name for the ascorbic acid?
What is the common name for the ascorbic acid?Vitamin B6Citric acidVitamim B12Vitamin CTrivia Crack Answers Main Page