What is John Rhys-Davies character’s name in the Lord of the Rings trilogy?
What is John Rhys-Davies character's name in the Lord of the Rings trilogy?MerryFrodoGimliBoromirTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is Katniss’ favourite colour in “The Hunger Games”?
What is Katniss' favourite colour in "The Hunger Games"?BlueGreyOrangeGreenTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is kimchi?
What is kimchi?GMO ricePreserved vegetableSauteed seafoodCarbonated drinkTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is known as “The Lung of New York”?
What is known as "The Lung of New York"?Madison Square GardenCentral ParkYellowstone ForestRoyal Albert HallTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is Chandler’s from “Friends” original job?
What is Chandler's from "Friends" original job?Market salesmanNFL quarterbackData analysisAdvertisement managerTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is generally mixed together to create a volcano affect?
What is generally mixed together to create a volcano affect?Coke and MintysCoke and mentosBeer and a beer bongPetrol and match stickTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is characteristic about cyclops?
What is characteristic about cyclops?They had only one eyeThey were very smallNothingThey had three eyesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is considered the first Heavy Metal band?
What is considered the first Heavy Metal band?MetallicaIron MaidenBlack SabbathJudas PriestTrivia Crack Answers Main Page