What has to be reduced in order to not suffer from arteriosclerosis?
What has to be reduced in order to not suffer from arteriosclerosis?IronTriglyceridesSugarCholesterolTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What Hawaian sport was forbidden in the 19th century for being considered ‘lewd and a waste of time’?
What Hawaian sport was forbidden in the 19th century for being considered 'lewd and a waste of time'?Scuba divingBeach volleyballSurfBungee jumpingTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What hemisphere would you be in if summer started in December?
What hemisphere would you be in if summer started in December?Both hemispheresSouthern hemisphereNorthern hemisphereThat's impossibleTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What historical character was portrayed by Daniel Day-Lewis in a film by Steven Spielberg?
What historical character was portrayed by Daniel Day-Lewis in a film by Steven Spielberg?Abraham LincolnBuddhaJohn F. KennedyGeorge WashingtonTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What historical period was the Mona Lisa painted in?
What historical period was the Mona Lisa painted in?Modern EraMedieval PeriodStone AgeThe RenaissanceTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What hobbit was the bearer of ‘the One Ring’?
What hobbit was the bearer of 'the One Ring'?Samwise GamgeePeregrin TookMeriadoc BrandybuckFrodo BagginsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What homo discovered the fire?
What homo discovered the fire?Homo erectusHomo sapiensHomo ergasterHomo habilisTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What house from ‘Game of Thrones’ has a deer and a crown as a symbol?
What house from 'Game of Thrones' has a deer and a crown as a symbol?BaratheonTargaryenLannisterStarkTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What insect is known for causing sleeping sickness?
What insect is known for causing sleeping sickness?WaspTsectse flyHouse flyMosquitoTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What instrument is capable of lower frequencies?
What instrument is capable of lower frequencies?SaxaphoneTrumpetFluteTubaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What instrument measures the electric power?
What instrument measures the electric power?WaltmeterGalvanometerVoltmeterThermometerTrivia Crack Answers Main Page