What comic book artist created Astro Boy?
What comic book artist created Astro Boy?Jackson PollockOsamu TezukaDanilo IlicJack KirbyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What countries border Lebanon?
What countries border Lebanon?Israel and SyriaIsrael and JordanSyriaIsrael, Syria and JordanTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What common cooking material is also known as sodium chloride?
What common cooking material is also known as sodium chloride?VinegarSaltOlive OilPepperTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War?
What countries fought during the Hundred Years' War?England and ScotlandFrance and EnglandFrance and SpainSpain and ItalyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What company does Forrest Gump start?
What company does Forrest Gump start?Gump's GuppiesBubba GumpForrest's FoodForrest FriendsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What company introduce the VHS analogic video format in the market?
What company introduce the VHS analogic video format in the market?SamsungToshibaJVCSonyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What company introduced the Betamax analogic video format in the market?
What company introduced the Betamax analogic video format in the market?SamsungToshibaJVCSonyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What company was the main promoter of the VHS video format?
What company was the main promoter of the VHS video format?ToshibaSonySanyoJVCTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What composer is known for his Madrigals?
What composer is known for his Madrigals?MonteverdiBeethovenVivaldiHaendelTrivia Crack Answers Main Page