What band recorded the album ‘Warning’?
What band recorded the album 'Warning'?Red Hot chilli pepersGreen DayLinkin ParkMillencolinTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What band released the album ‘Kings of Metal’?
What band released the album 'Kings of Metal'?ManowarLordiRainbowRunicTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What band released the album ‘Master of Puppets’?
What band released the album 'Master of Puppets'?AerosmithDeep PurpleQueenMetallicaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What artist wrote all his notes in backward script?
What artist wrote all his notes in backward script?Andy WarholPablo PicassoLeonardo Da VinciRenoirTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What band released the single ‘Livin’ on a prayer’?
What band released the single 'Livin' on a prayer'?AerosmithBon JoviGamma RayRammsteinTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What astrological sign would a person born on August 27th be?
What astrological sign would a person born on August 27th be?VirgoSagittariusGeminiLibraTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What band sent a CD containing one of their songs to space on a NASA spaceship?
What band sent a CD containing one of their songs to space on a NASA spaceship?NickelbackLinkin ParkEvanescenceThirty Seconds To MarsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What astrological sign would a person born on July 1st be?
What astrological sign would a person born on July 1st be?VirgoCancerPiscesAquariusTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What band sings “Master of Puppets”?
What band sings "Master of Puppets"?Judas PriestIron MaidenKansasMetallicaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What athlete broke in 1935 six world records in just a day?
What athlete broke in 1935 six world records in just a day?Vincent MatthewsJesse OwensWillye WhiteJohn WoodruffTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What band sings “She looks so perfect”?
What band sings "She looks so perfect"?Backstreet Boys5 Second of SummerU2One DirectionTrivia Crack Answers Main Page