The West Nile virus provokes encephalitis. Who can be affected by it?
The West Nile virus provokes encephalitis. Who can be affected by it?Birds and equinesCows and equinesEquines, humans and birdsHumans and equinesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The singer of which musical group played a character in the Movie “Point Break”?
The singer of which musical group played a character in the Movie "Point Break"?Red Hot Chilli PeppersSublimeThe OffspringNirvanaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The song ‘More than a feeling’ was written by what band?
The song 'More than a feeling' was written by what band?ToolScorpionsBostonKansasTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The sport called pato is originally from what country?
The sport called pato is originally from what country?UruguayArgentinaMexicoUnited StatesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The stripper Mata Hari was condemned to death and executed for espionage in which war?
The stripper Mata Hari was condemned to death and executed for espionage in which war?Second World WarVietnam WarHundred Years' WarFirst World WarTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The term “black body” refers to which of the following?
The term "black body" refers to which of the following?A body that absorbs all EMR wavelengthsA body that has been painted blackA type of illnessA body that reflects all EMR ...
The Tunisian Revolution was the trigger of the Arab Spring. What year did it start?
The Tunisian Revolution was the trigger of the Arab Spring. What year did it start?2011200920122010Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
The North American band Nirvana is related to which rock subgenre?
The North American band Nirvana is related to which rock subgenre?Indie RockHeavy MetalGrungeHardcore PunkTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The pulse of what artery is used to check if a person is alive or dead?
The pulse of what artery is used to check if a person is alive or dead?VertebralCarotideRadialFemoralTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
The novel ‘I am a Cat’ satirizes the society of what country?
The novel 'I am a Cat' satirizes the society of what country?ChinaEgyptJapanFranceTrivia Crack Answers Main Page