It is said that spilling salt brings bad luck. What did salt represent in ancient times?
It is said that spilling salt brings bad luck. What did salt represent in ancient times?WealthFertilityHealthDeathTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
Jack Black played a musician in which of the following movies?
Jack Black played a musician in which of the following movies?The Big YearWar MovieBe kind, rewindSchool of RockTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
James Hetfield is the singer of what band?
James Hetfield is the singer of what band?MetallicaRolling StonesRadioheadNirvanaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
Jammu and Kashmir is disputed by what countries?
Jammu and Kashmir is disputed by what countries?China and KazakhstanIndia and MyanmarNone of thesePakistan and IndiaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
Jane Goodall became famous studying what animals?
Jane Goodall became famous studying what animals?LionsChimpanzeesMountain gorillasDogsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
Jay Kay is the lead singer with which of these groups?
Jay Kay is the lead singer with which of these groups?WestlifeStone RosesJamiroquaiUB40Trivia Crack Answers Main Page
Jeju Island belongs to what country?
Jeju Island belongs to what country?LaosNorth KoreaCambodiaSouth KoreaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan share a common “-stan” in their names. What is the meaning of it?
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan share a common "-stan" in their names. What is the meaning of it?Teritory ofLand ofState ofPlace ofTrivia Crack Answers Main Page