Approximately 61% of the world’s population live on which continent?
Approximately 61% of the world's population live on which continent?AfricaNorth AmericaAsiaEuropeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
Amelie finds something Nino lost in the train station. What is it?
Amelie finds something Nino lost in the train station. What is it?A pictureA photo albumA bookA cameraTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
Aragon is a character of which movie?
Aragon is a character of which movie?Lord Of The RingsBoratEragonThe HobbitTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
Amik was the mascot of the Montreal’76 Olympics. What animal was it?
Amik was the mascot of the Montreal'76 Olympics. What animal was it?OtterBeaverBearDogTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
Arteries come out of what part of the heart?
Arteries come out of what part of the heart?TrunkValvesVentriclesBronchial tubesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
An iron deficit can cause which type of anemia?
An iron deficit can cause which type of anemia?MacrociticCelularFerropenicMegaloblasticTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
According to the TV series “Supernatural”, how are vampires killed?
According to the TV series "Supernatural", how are vampires killed?Stake to the heartDecapitationAll of the aboveSunlightTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
Aladdin’s face was modeled after what actor?
Aladdin's face was modeled after what actor?Antonio BanderasTom CruiseJohnny DeppBrad PittTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
According to the Bible, what is the traditional site of Jesus’ ascension?
According to the Bible, what is the traditional site of Jesus' ascension?Mount SinaiMount of OlivesMount CarmelMount AraratTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
According to the Bible, Jesus delivered the Beatitudes as part of his ‘Sermon on the …’?
According to the Bible, Jesus delivered the Beatitudes as part of his 'Sermon on the ...'?RidgePeakMountHillTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
Adam Levine is the lead singer of which group?
Adam Levine is the lead singer of which group?3oh!3Marion 4Red 7Maroon 5Trivia Crack Answers Main Page