What do the spots in the ladybug’s wings indicate?
What do the spots in the ladybug's wings indicate?AgeSpeciesGenreHealthTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What do we celebrate on the 1st of May?
What do we celebrate on the 1st of May?International Workers DayInternational Books' DayInnocents' DayAll are correctTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What does cryotherapy use to treat the patients?
What does cryotherapy use to treat the patients?ColdHeatElectricitySoilTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What does the CN in CN Tower stand for?
What does the CN in CN Tower stand for?Canned NutsCanadian NationalCatnipCoast GuardTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What famous song plays at the end of The Breakfast Club?
What famous song plays at the end of The Breakfast Club?Don't You Forget About MeLet The Good Times RollMore Than A FeelingLandslideTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What happens to you if you have diplopia?
What happens to you if you have diplopia?You see doubleYou are nauseusYou can't stop eatingYou can't stop talkingTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is Buzz Lightyear’s catchphrase?
What is Buzz Lightyear's catchphrase?To infinity and beyondAdventure is out thereTime to flySaving the world is what I doTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is it called when a bowler hit three strikes in a row?
What is it called when a bowler hit three strikes in a row?Triple-TripleTurkeyTriple ThreatThunder StrikeTrivia Crack Answers Main Page