Gynecology literally means science of women. What’s the science of men?
Gynecology literally means science of women. What's the science of men?AndrologyProstatePsychologyTherapyTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How do dogs cool down?
How do dogs cool down?Using their tailWith their pawsSweatingWith their tonguesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How do otters open oysters?
How do otters open oysters?With a stickWith their teethWith a stoneWith their nailsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How do we name the animals that don’t have bones?
How do we name the animals that don't have bones?BonyVertebratesAbvertebratesInvertebratesTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
How many steps can a handball player make with the ball in their hand?
How many steps can a handball player make with the ball in their hand?423NoneTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
According to DC universe who is the fastest man alive?
According to DC universe who is the fastest man alive?QuicksilverThe FlashSoundspeedSpeedsterTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
A rock band uses what instrument to make ‘riffs’?
A rock band uses what instrument to make 'riffs'?GuitarBassDrumsKeyboardsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page