What is the main function of mucus?
Question:What is the main function of mucus?Answer:Immunologic defenseChoices:Heart defenseImmunologic defenseCellular defenseAll of the aboveTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the medical term for bad breath?
Question:What is the medical term for bad breath?Answer:HalitosisChoices:LaryngitisHalitosisPhagocytosisFillariasisTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the length of a marathon?
Question:What is the length of a marathon?Answer:42kmChoices:40km32km42km21kmTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the change in one stage of life to the next Ex: a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly?
Question:What is the change in one stage of life to the next Ex: a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly?Answer:MetamorphosisChoices:MetamorphosisStagnationMetropolisCanaliculationTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the longest bone in the human body?
Question:What is the longest bone in the human body?Answer:FemurChoices:FibulaScapulaTibiaFemurTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the mechanical animal that greyhounds chase during a race?
Question:What is the mechanical animal that greyhounds chase during a race?Answer:A hareChoices:A hareA catA foxA mouseTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the capital of France?
Question:What is the capital of France?Answer:ParisChoices:BrusselsBourdeauxParisAvignonTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the mountain range located on the west coast of Canada?
Question:What is the mountain range located on the west coast of Canada?Answer:Rocky MountainsChoices:Rocky MountainsAppalachian MountainsCascade RangeBlue Ridge MountainsTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the main religion in the United Kingdom?
Question:What is the main religion in the United Kingdom?Answer:ProtestantismChoices:CatholicismProtestantismOrthodoxNone of theseTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the function of the ovaries?
Question:What is the function of the ovaries?Answer:Generating eggsChoices:Implantation of the zygoteGenerating eggsSegregating the prolactin hormoneFertilisation of the eggTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is the knee bone called?
Question:What is the knee bone called?Answer:PatellaChoices:PatellaCapperTibulusTibiaTrivia Crack Answers Main Page
What is Drake’s (from Drake and Josh) real last name?
Question:What is Drake's (from Drake and Josh) real last name?Answer:BellChoices:BrittonPeckCohenBellTrivia Crack Answers Main Page