The best way to find free music for your iPad or other device is to download an app that is designed to help you download files in MP3 format. You can then use that to find and install new music for free, that is legal. Some of the top apps for this are iDownloader, Free Music Download, Top 100 Music – FREE and Free Music Downloader Plus.

To Use iDownloader for Your iPad

Install iDownloader from the app store to your iPad and when it has finished installing you can open it. Go to the Search tab and select “MP3” as the file type and then choose your search engine. The most popular search engines to find MP3 files are and Then you can search for the songs you want.

When you find songs you want, all you have to do is click a link underneath the song called “Download”. This will make a window come up that will allow you to name the song and choose which folder to put it in. For this, name the song and then press another download link you will see in the top right corner. When the download has finished, you will be able to find the song in whatever folder you put it in.