Solutions to all levels:
Icon Pop Quiz Game Answers / Solutions
Level 2 Solutions:
![]() Hints: Stay hungry, stay foolish. _ T _ V E _ O _ _ |
![]() Hints: The creator of Mickey Mouse W _ _ T _ I _ _ _ Y |
![]() Hints: The most creative and influential personalities of the silent-film era. _ H _ R L _ _ _ _ _ _ L I N |
![]() Hints: The King of Pop _ _ C _ _ E L J _ _ _ _ O N |
![]() Hints: American actress, model, and singer, who became a major sex symbol _ _ R Y _ I _ M O _ _ _ _ |
![]() Hints: That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. _ E _ _ _ R _ S T _ O _ _ |
![]() Hints: On the Origin of Species C _ _ R _ _ S _ _ _ W _ N |
![]() Hints: 23 _ I _ H _ E _ J O _ _ _ _ |
![]() Hints: Oppa Gangnam Style _ _ _ |
![]() Hints: The yellow suited guy in Gangnam Style music video. _ _ O _ A _ – _ E _ K |
![]() Hints: California Gurls _ A T _ P _ R _ _ |
![]() Hints: Mr. Bean R _ W _ _ _ _ K I _ _ _ N |
![]() Hints: M _ _ K _ U _ K _ R B _ _ _ |
![]() Hints: Giving away free car for the audience _ _ R _ H _ _ N F _ _ Y |
![]() Hints: Palestinian leader _ _ _ _ E R _ _ A F A _ |
![]() Hints: The head monks of the Gelugpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. _ 4 _ H D _ _ A _ L _ _ _ |
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Thanks for the answers
You’re welcome – glad you found them useful.