Geo World Deluxe is an educational game created by Natalia Gavrylova. It costs $.99 and is available on the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
The great thing about this app is that it doesn’t just teach you world shapes and names. It covers flags, capitals, landmarks, state shapes, bordering states, and location. Not to mention that if you use this app you can choose to learn world countries or USA states as well.
Geo World Deluxe has seven different game modes titled Fall-N-Catch, Locations, Shapes, Neighbors, Capitals, Exploration, and Places. One of the coolest modes is Places because it shows you a street image from Google Street View and asks you what country the image is from. Although you may never be quizzed on street photos, it’s still a cool mode that’s fun to try out and see just how good you are at recognizing countries.
This app is flawless and doesn’t have any bugs. However, it would be nice if users could challenge their friends when playing these games. It would make the games more fun and improve memory retention. It’s definitely more fun to play with friends than by yourself!
If you’re into countries or just need to study for an upcoming test, then this is a must-have app.
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