Reeder 2 is an app created by Silvio Rizzi. It costs $4.99 and is available on the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

If you need to sync Feedly, Feedbin, Feed Wrangler, Fever, and other RSS accounts, then this is the app for you.
However if you can’t justify paying $5 for a feed reading app, then you should pass up on Reeder 2. It’s recent reviews are not good at all:
The Good:
Reeder 2 has a beautiful interface and dozens of compatible feed services. Not to mention that it also has over a dozen sharing services for sharing interesting articles with friends.
The Bad:
Although I experienced no problems with this app, many reviewers claim to. Three 1 star reviews in a row is never good.
Reeder 2 is good but it’s not that good. If you are a blogger or business person who requires to be kept up to date with news through feeds, then you might justify this app. However it’s not a good investment for people who occasionally read feeds.