See All Answers to the What Am I Game:
What Am I Answers / Solutions / Cheats
Level 141 Answer:
Riddle: I contain six letters, minus one and you got twelve.
Hint: multiples of twelve
Level 142 Answer:
Riddle: Sometimes I fly as fast as the speed of light. Sometime I crawl as slow as a snail. Unknown until I am measured but you will certainly miss me when I’m gone.
Hint: measured by a clock
Level 143 Answer:
Riddle: I spend most of my day eating white. When I am quick enough, I get rewarded with fruit and something blue. In a dark room with blue walls, I run from the ghosts that roam the halls
Hint: classic arcade game
Level 144 Answer:
Riddle: I have roots nobody sees. I am taller than trees. Up, up I go but I never grow.
Hint: contains soil and plants
Level 145 Answer:
Riddle: I am a ship that can be made to ride the greatest waves. I am not built by objects, but built by minds.
Hint: a relationship
Level 146 Answer:
Riddle: I have a mouth on my head and eat everything.
Hint: kids carry me to school
Level 147 Answer:
Riddle: I do not have eyes but I once could see. I used to have thoughts but now I’m empty.
Hint: everyone has me
Level 148 Answer:
Riddle: I get paid to shoot people, then blow them up.
Hint: an occupation
Level 149 Answer:
Riddle: I am the book one can never finish reading
Hint: I describe you
Level 150 Answer:
Riddle: I am lighter than the material I am made of. You see parts of me but more of me is hidden underneath.
Hint: responsible for the tragedy of Titanic
See Next Set of Answers:
What Am I Answers: Levels 151 to 160
See All Answers to the What Am I Game:
What Am I Answers / Solutions / Cheats
Incoming search terms:
- i spend most of my day eating white
- i am lighter than the material i am made of
- i contain six letters minus one
- i am the book one can never finish
- sometimes i fly as fast as the speed of light
- i am a ship that can ride the greatest waves
- i do not have eyes but i once could see
- i am the book one can never finish reading
- i am the book no one can never finish reading
- I spend most of my time eating white
- i spend most of my day eating white riddle
- i am a ship that can be made to ride
- i am a ship that can be made
- i contain six letters minus one and you got twelve
- i spend most of my days eating white
- i am a ship that can be made to ride the greatest waves
- what am i level 141
- i am a ship riddle
- sometimes i fly as fast as the speed of light riddle
- i am the book one can never finish reading riddle
- i am lighter than the material
- what am I level 150
- i am a book one can never finish
- what am I level 145
- i am the book no one can never finish reading riddle
- i get paid to shoot people then blow them up
- what am i level 143
- i spend most of the day eating white
- what am i level 144
- i am the book you can never finish riddle
- what am i level 147
- i am the book no one can finish reading riddle
- i spend most of my days eating white riddle
- i get paid to shoot people
- i contain six letters
- i am a ship made to ride the greatest waves
- i contain 6 letters minus one
- i have a mouth on my head and eat everything riddle
- i contain six letters minus one and you got twelve what am i
- what am i level 149
- what am i level 142
- what am i 141
- i get paid to shoot peolpe then blow
- what am i riddles 141
- i am the book no one can finish reading
- i spend most of my day eating white when i am quick enough
- i am a book one can never finish reading
- level 141 what am i
- i am the book one can never finish reading what am i
- i am a book you can never finish reading
- i am lighter than the material i am made of riddle
- I spend most of my day eating white When I am quick enough I get rewarded with fruit and something blue In a dark room with blue walls I run from the ghost that r
- word riddle level 147 what do you call a chicken with no amrs no legs and no body?
- the book no one can finish reading
- i am lighter than the material im made of
- wordington answers levels 150 250