See All Answers to the What Am I Game:
What Am I Answers / Solutions / Cheats
Level 201 Answer:
Riddle: I can speak with my hard metal tongue. But I cannot breathe, for I have no lung
Hint: ding dong
Level 202 Answer:
Riddle: I shoot but never kills
Hint: I capture moments
Level 203 Answer:
Riddle: Take away my first letter, take away my second letter, take away all my letters and I would remain the same.
Hint: it is my job to carry letters
Level 204 Answer:
Riddle: I am a vegetable that bugs stay away from
Hint: I am usually yellow or green
Level 205 Answer:
Riddle: Two in a corner, 1 in a room, 0 in a house, but 1 in a shelter.
Hint: a letter
Ans: R
Level 206 Answer:
Riddle: *forward* *backwards*is what I do all day. I come in all different shapes and sizes. I can be scary, and I can calm you down.
Hint: Grandparents love me
Level 207 Answer:
Riddle: You get embarrassed when you stand on me when everybody is watching. Women don’t like to talk about the number they see on me. Everyone stands on me when nobody is around
Hint: Measures weight
Level 208 Answer:
Riddle: I am essential to life on earth! I am split into thirds. Two thirds are the same. One of the thirds is 8. The other two are 1 each.
Hint: drink me to live
Level 209 Answer:
Riddle: I can be driven, but have no wheels. I can be sliced, but still remains whole
Hint: Tiger Woods uses this a lot
Level 210 Answer:
Riddle: I have two eyes in the front and a lot of eyes on my tail
Hint: an animal
See Next Set of Answers:
What Am I Answers: Levels 211 to 220
See All Answers to the What Am I Game:
What Am I Answers / Solutions / Cheats
Incoming search terms:
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- i am a vegetable that bugs stay away from
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- i shoot but never kills what am i
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- what am i level 206
- what am i riddles level 203
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- i have two eyes in front and a lot of eyes on my tail
- i am a vegetable that bugs stay away from what am i
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- what am i 201
- what am i riddles 203
- i have to eyes 2 in front and a lot on my tail