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What Am I Answers / Solutions / Cheats
Level 251 Answer:
Riddle: I give people a huge fright, but at the end I’m sweet. I normally celebrate at night, when there’s less heat.
Hint: trick or treat
Level 252 Answer:
Riddle: I am the ultimate killing machine, used not once but TWICE, I can be made by humans.
Hint: many people killed
Ans: WAR
Level 253 Answer:
Riddle: In my life I must bare, my bloodline I must share.
Hint: can be older or younger than you
Level 254 Answer:
Riddle: Two in a whole and four in a pair. Six in a trio you see. Eight’s a quartet but what you must get is the name that fits just one of me.
Hint: 0.5
Level 255 Answer:
Riddle: I twist and turn and leaves a loop
Hint: found on your shoes
Level 256 Answer:
Riddle: I am easy to see, but no one likes looking at me. Without me, there would be no you. I can make you complain, or make you happy. But you almost always take me for-granted.
Hint: found in the solar system
Ans: SUN
Level 257 Answer:
Riddle: I am a type of cheese made backwards
Hint: a semi-hard cheese
Level 258 Answer:
Riddle: Though I am dark, Adam married me.
Hint: a person’s name
Ans: EVE
Level 259 Answer:
Riddle: I am always in front of you, but you will never see me
Hint: tomorrow
Level 260 Answer:
Riddle: I will go within you, and destroy you. Only because you wanted me too
Hint: Illegal in many places
See Next Set of Answers:
What Am I Answers: Levels 261 to 270
See All Answers to the What Am I Game:
What Am I Answers / Solutions / Cheats
Incoming search terms:
- i twist and turn and leaves a loop
- i am a type of cheese made backwards
- i am the ultimate killing machine riddle
- in my life i must bare
- in my life i must bare riddle
- i will go within you and destroy you riddle
- i twist and turn and leaves a loop what am i
- i am always in front of you but you will never see me
- i twist and turn and leave a loop
- i am always in front of you
- i will go within you and destroy you
- ########
- one less than a quartet
- in my life i must bare my bloodline i must share
- what am I level 253
- what am i level 257
- i twist and turn and leaves a loop riddle
- i give people a huge fright
- #########
- i am a type of cheese made backwards riddle
- i twist and turn and leave a loop what am i
- im always in front of you but you will never see me
- what type of cheese is made backwards riddle