If you love math, or need help with it, the following calculator and math apps for your iPhone will come in handy for school, work or just trying to figure out daily events such as how much to tip your servers.
The WolframAlpha math app for your iPhone is an advanced calculator that you can pick up from the Apple App Store for $1.99. It calculates complicated integrals, solves cubic equations and does much more including looking up Fermat’s little theorem or the Riemann Hypothesis. This is the perfect app for calculus, statistics, and physics fans.
The Calcbot math app for iPhone is $1.99 and has more advanced and scientific functions than the default iPhone calculator. Along with helping you with a large variety of calculations, this app also records history on a tape that you can email or send values back into the calculator. It has animation and sound that make doing math fun as well.
The PCalc iPhone math app is one of the more expensive ones because it costs $9.99. It contains a large variety of functions and is perfect for any level of math whiz.
The Apollonius math app for iPhone is $3.99 and considered to be the best choice for geometry students. It allows you to make geometric constructions as if you were using a straightedge and compass, including moving points around to adjust the sizes, angles, and distances to visually see how these changes affect your constructions.
The Math Ref math app for iPhone costs $0.99 and is an excellent reference app that has more than 1,400 formulas, figures, tips, examples of equations and samples of concepts. It has example problems and solutions in specific subject areas to help you know how to compute correctly.
The iMathematics! math app for iPhone is free and has more 700 formulas in over 120 topics. It also has eight different solvers and calculators to figure with. There are in app purchases you can take advantage of if you want more.
SkyNumbers math app for iPhone is free and is a game instead of a calculator. However it is designed to refine your math skills by combining numbers with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to reach the target number. The speed of the game increases as your skills increase to keep it exciting. You can challenge friends and share scores on Facebook.
The Digits math iPhone app is $0.99 and is a standard calculator, but it has an onscreen tape that you can use to double check your work. You can then save your calculations and share it to Apple’s Numbers or a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
The MyScript Calculator app for iPhone is free and allows users to draw the formulas on their screen. Those formulas are then converted to text and calculated for you.